Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Medial Thigh

3 Muscles make up this compartment.

ADDUCTOR LONGUS: flex and adduct the thigh

ADDUCTOR MAGNUS: flex and adduct the thigh

GRACLIS: flex and adduct the thigh

All aid to flex and adduct the thigh! Go figure! ha

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Anterior Thigh

Quadriceps: Main action, powerful knee extensors, used for climbing, running and jumping.

4 (Quad) Heads:

>>> RECTUS FEMORIS - extends knee and flexes thigh at hip

>>> VASTUS LATERALIS - extends & stabilizes knee

>>> VASTUS MEDIALIS - extends knee supports patella

>>> VASTUS INTERMEDIUS - extends knee (is hiding behind the rectus femoris)

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Gluteus Medius

Covered by Gluteus Maximus.

Action: Abducts and medially rotates the thigh

Gluteus Maximus

Positioned on the posterior aspect of the hip.

Action: Major Extensor of the thigh.